Place your order
After payment you will receive a confirmation email
After receiving your order we will start by making contact with our supplier
Our supplier will start making your order
After fullfilment your order will be shipped.
After 1 week you will receive a track-and trace code
You can follow your order from here.
You should receive your order between 3- 4 weeks.
Due to customs, it can be delayed. But we promiss it will be worth the wait.
Every order is subject to the country of your origin. In the example below and on the right it took only 11 days. Some orders may take longer if the customs clearance process is taking longer. That’s why we always keep in mind that the order could take up to 3 or 4 weeks.
As you can see in the example on the right the order is placed on the 8th of June and was received on the 23rd of June. This order was for the Netherlands.
It took two days(10th of June) for our supplier to ready the order. After storage it was ultimately shipped on the 12th of June.
Every occurrence along the way will be updated to you through mail.

Every country has their own rules when it comes to packages you receive from abroad. It could happen that your country’s customs flag your order as an item where tax comes in. This means you will have to pay a certain amount of charges for your order. You are responsible for paying any customs fees, duty and tariffs. Orders destined to the EU which are below 150 euros usually won’t get any charges but sometimes the do.